Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My 500 points are painted

and then some...

I managed to get my 500pt list and the extra hero done. The only thing I needed to complete since my last post was another set of 5 marauder horsemen. I will try to take a picture of all the painted stuff together soon.

Since the mandatory stuff was out of the way, I started doing my favorite part of miniature painting...test paints. It's only really brutal when you do 3 or 4 and still are not happy with your paint scheme, speaking of which I have yet to find a scheme I like for my bloodletters (Chaos Daemons).

I decided for bigger games that I will use a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch as my lord. I will probably wait for the new plastic model to be released before I put a great deal of effort in, but for now I have an older fantasy daemon prince which is getting some paint. I will throw a couple of pictures up when I am done, but the base coat of ice blue washed with asurmen blue looks fantastic.

The other test paint I worked on was a Nurgle-marked warrior of chaos. Let me know what you guys think.

I haven't based it yet, but I am thinking the front rank will have lots of snow with less and less the further back in ranks you get.


  1. Wow man! Very sharp. Getting some nice highlights done on the boots and armor. Are you liking the Green Armor? I think it's very fitting.

  2. Yea, was exactly what I was going for...I'm just shocked I got it first try. I'm fixated on washing metallic colors with the GW washes. This one was a wash of Thraka Green followed by a wash of Devlan Mud. You get the new lizardman book yet? Not sure if it's out yet.

  3. Oooh, shiny and Nurgle-y! I likes!
