Monday, February 23, 2009

Quick Update

I have been lazy in my painting lately, mainly because I have gotten a good ways ahead of where I need to be in painting for league play. The main reason I joined the painting league was for some focus, but now without any pressure I am working on 10 different things at once again..not really completing anything.

So on to the update!

2 Units of cannon-fodder good to go!

8/12 ain't so bad! My warriors need a final pass and basing, the other 4 were not quite ready for highlights yet.

My new Disc of Tzeentch. My first real go at sculpting, and it turned out very 'meh'. Wanted it to be somewhat organic since the previous disc attempt looked very sterile and boring.


  1. What are you using to sculpt the disc? Green stuff? something air-drying? Are you still painting on it?

    You're getting a lot of good work done. That has to feel good.

  2. Oh and the snow theme is looking good. I really like it on the monochromatic evil dogs you have there.

  3. Yea, I did it up with green stuff. I made the mistake of using a piece of plastic to keep the center raised a bit while it hardened. Made it difficult to smooth it out at all without revealing what lies underneath. The painting is just a mock-up, the symbol is carved into the sculpt...I am hoping if i use some glazes/washes on the thing it will look halfway decent.
